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Medical Coding Study Groups For May

ICD-10-CM Book Tabs

Medical coding is hard to learn. It just is, no matter how you look at it. I mean yes, it is easier if you have a background in healthcare and already understand medical terminology and anatomy. But medical coding is still like learning a new language and it just takes time.

There are many different medical coding programs out there and some (in my opinion) are better than others. I will save my ideas on that for another post. I would never say anything bad about any school or program. But I will say–do your homework before you spend any money buying a course. Be aware of what the program offers and what it doesn’t, and make sure it aligns with your overall goals.

With that being said, there are many people taking good coding courses right now, but are still struggling. Sometimes instructors are not as available as students would like. Sometimes the course is going at too fast of a pace for the student to keep up.

That is where my program comes in. I offer medical coding group sessions through Zoom. Sessions are 90 minutes and during this time we go over ICD-10-CM questions (true/false and multiple choice) as a group. Sessions are on Saturdays from 11:00 am to 12:30 EST or Tuesday’s from 7:00pm-8:30 pm EST. It is designed for people already taking a medical coding course, who are just looking for extra help. 

I just started this program in February, and it has been a lot of fun so far! I’ve had 30 people go through the program already and the feedback that I am getting is that it’s very helpful. Many people taking medical coding courses right now seem to have limited time with their instructor, and they just need someone to break things down for them in more detail so they can learn. If you’d like to see a sample questions go HERE.

If you’re currently enrolled in a medical coding course and are just looking for a little more support from a live instructor/coder, consider signing up for the group sessions! You get 4 sessions for just $35. If you can not attend the session live, a replay will be made available.

For more info please go HERE.

Hope to see you there! If you have any questions, feel free to email me at


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